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Morning rituals that can lead you to success

Waking up in the morning can be a nightmare for many. An early start to the day has proven to bring about many positive changes to those who follow it. When you know the benefits it brings, maybe you’ll be more inclined towards becoming a morning person.

Wake Up Before 6 am

If you closely observe the lifestyle of successful individuals, you will notice they all have an early start to their day. Disney CEO Bob Iger wakes up every morning at 4:30 am to read. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey wakes up at 5:30 am to go jogging. Once the hustle and bustle of the workday begin, you may not find the time to catch up on a hobby or collect your thoughts.

Exercise First Thing

We know that exercise is important but somehow always manage to procrastinate when it comes to it. Again, when we look at eminent personalities, we notice that they always exercise in the morning. Barack Obama starts each day with a cardio workout. That way, an important task is done and dusted before the day begins. When you complete a morning workout, you have accomplished the first assignment of the day and your head is clear to tackle the next line of duty.

Tackle High Priority Projects

It is important to have a to-do list for each day. Office goers, businessmen, homemakers, social workers everyone will have a task list for the day, and one will be more important than the other. The key is to prioritise and complete the urgent and important tasks first at the beginning of the workday when your mind is the clearest.

Connect With Your Partner

Meaningful conversations with your partner over breakfast is a great boost to your day. After a hard day’s work, it might be difficult to get intimate, focus on a conversation and be interested in knowing the happenings of your partner’s day.

Make Progress On Your Side Project

Your job or business is your source of livelihood, and your hobbies and other interests are your sources of self-nourishment. Many of us always have side projects that we begin because it makes us happy, but the mental and physical tiredness of work propels us to side-track it. Therefore, it is recommended to pay a little attention to these side projects before work. Your happiness level and energy levels will rise, and you will be charged up to face the rest of the day.

See: The world’s most successful people's surprising workplace habits.


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